Monthly Archives: November 2011

God had a different plan….

On our way to Metro we received the dreaded flight delay text;-(….which means we missed our connecting Beijing flight in Chicago.  After several failed attempts Jody was able to rebook for tomorrow at 7:55pm, thank you Jesus!!  We are, however, able to fly to Chicago tonight at 9:15!  Girls are highly enjoying the treats in the SkyMiles club while we wait 😉  There are bright spots!  We’ll get there one way or another….

Appreciate continued prayers for travel plans tomorrow….

It’s almost time……

We are SO thankful and blessed from the huge outpouring of prayer, love and texts from so many of you in preparation for our upcoming adventure!  Below is our travel itinerary for the next few weeks:

TOMORROW!!!  We depart Detroit for Chicago at 5pm, then depart Chicago at 8pm for Beijing.

12/5: depart Beijing for Eli’s province Zhengkou, Henan.

12/6: GOTCHA DAY!!!  We’ll receive Eli sometime this am!!

12/9: depart Zhengkou for Guangzhou to finalize paperwork at the US Consulate.

12/14: depart Guangzhou for Hong Kong

12/19: depart Hong Kong for Chicago, then on to Detroit!

We hope to update the blog daily with a few photos and stories of our adventure.  Thanks for coming along with us!

The Medford Family

And the winner is….

SARA PARTYKA!  We chose her title ‘Birdie Watchers’ as our blog name because it very aptly fit Eli’s nickname (read the gadget to the left for more info about this).  For her cute creativity she won a gift certificate to The Union in downtown Clarkston.  Thanks to all for your title suggestions; it was a tough choice!