
We had a beautiful weather day here in Guangzhou! We took a cab to Shamian Island to have lunch with our friends, the LaCroixs (at a Thai restaurant!!) and enjoy the day. There're lots of little shops, some restaurants and a kids' park along the Pearl River…. I suppose it's similar to our Mackinaw Island; a little slower than the typical Chinese day. Another fun thing about the island is that brides and grooms go there to take their wedding pictures, prior to the wedding/reception so that they can show their guests their photos. We saw about 20 couples getting their photos taken, plus it's a hot spot for model photo shoots too. The girls enjoyed seeing all the beautiful dresses!

The kids highly enjoyed being outside, running and playing on the playground equipment. Eli really liked going down the bigger slides with the girls;-) Lots of smiles today!! He had a hard time going to bed this evening…kept calling out "mama" & holding his arms up…. not sure if he was referring to me but it worked…totally got him up and worked in a few extra snuggles!

Tomorrow afternoon we head via train ride to our final Asian destination: Hong Kong! Enjoy today's smiles…

About Dani

Most importantly, I'm a Jesus follower! I'm married to the love of my life and best friend, Jody, and have the privilege of being called mom by my three fab kiddos...Lexie (otherwise known as Lou Lou Bean) age 17, Emily (otherwise known as Mae-Mae) age 14, and Eli (otherwise known as Bubba) age 10. We're a travel lovin', Jesus believing family of 5;-)

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