Monthly Archives: January 2012


Happy New Year, everyone!  Yes, we are still alive…. just getting back into the swing of life, which, obviously, hasn’t included blogging… sorry about that!  On a serious note though, Eli is doing amazingly well…. completely shocking to us as we were preparing for the worst transition ever!  He’s on a great schedule, eats everything and lots of it, plays well alone and with his sisters, enjoys being out and about… really just seems to be a Medford through and through;-)  Thank you for all the prayers!  God is great!

Today he spent his first 10 minutes outside, which he loved!… but it was too cold to stay out longer.  He looked like a lil red marshmallow!  He highly enjoyed the snow covered slide and touching the snow with his mittens.

Eli’s 1st trip to Caribou… 
Christmas was very fun!  Once Eli got the hang of opening gifts he was a nut!  He did enjoy the boxes…;-)