Monthly Archives: March 2012


Being in FL gave Elijah a sense of being outdoors daily so upon returning home he’s enjoyed playing in the fresh air, even if it requires a jacket!  And yes, he did fall and hurt his ‘lil nose on Tuesday so what you’re seeing in the pics is not a shadow;-)!

First time “jumping” on the trampoline…., which he thinks is AMAZING!  Ugh!

Lovin’  the swing!

The “sin wagon”…. those of you who’ve read Loving the Little Years: Parenting in the Trenches will appreciate this one;-)

The jeep is, BY FAR, his favorite… he’d ride around in it all day if his sisters would drive for him!  He’s trying to figure out how to get his feet to reach the gas pedal too….

A break in the action for a few Monet impressions…..

A pithy scooter lesson…



Yes…. this is the new nickname Lexie has given to our lil’ emperor!  Jody and I about died when we heard her calling him this…. and worse yet, Eli responding as if it was his given name!  At any rate, he is definitely adorable in every sense of the word;-)  
Eli exploring a goat at the Lion Safari Park in southern FL.  Highly recommend this place if you’re in the area.  
Such a cautious little guy…. experiencing the water park from afar!  Didn’t really enjoy getting sprayed in the face, but who does?!?!
Had to throw this one in of Lexie… the Kiki birds enjoyed her shiny earrings!
Visited Medevial Times, a horse jousting dinner show in Orlando.  Entertaining, especially for the horse lovers in the fam…

Emmy’s #1 pick to see in FL… Winter the dolphin.  Small little aquarium that was packed to the gills with humans!  If you’re planning to visit, definitely go in the afternoon!  Fun experience though…

God yet again blessed us with a little surprise… Eli’s a natural boater!  Who would’ve thought?!?!  We rented a boat in Clearwater to go exploring and he did awesome!  Totally thought he was the captain so ran into quite a few “no touches” throughout the day;-) We found a fun island called One Tree Island because… it has one tree on it!

Shelling on Clearwater beach…. Eli wasn’t sure about the whole walking and shelling plan… he prefers to be carried or carted, so the last picture is of his ‘line in the sand’, if you will…. he was done and sweet daddy gave in and put him in the stroller…Mama’s mean and wanted to make him continue;-)

We’ve had great family time in FL!  


Eli’s enjoying some fun in the sun in Florida!  We drove down, stopping in Charleston, SC to visit our friends, the Ishies;-)  It’s been great to see Eli enjoying the outdoors…. the beach, the pool, Mickey and, of course, Grandma and Grandpa!

We stopped at a super cool stalactite cave in VA on the way down…

Spent some awesome time with our friends: Love, Andrea, Avery & Ella Grace Ishie….. especially at the  Charleston aquarium and sea turtle hospital…

Feeling the rhythm on a pint-sized bongo at Animal Kingdom…

Lovin’ the piggy…

Spending time with sweet Grandma…

Hawaii Five-0 look…

Early am shelling on Delray Beach from the comfort of the stroller…


Hello!  We discovered, thanks to my friend Georgette, that we can print books out of our blog so we’ve decided to do just that;-)  Great way for me to document Eli’s life since I’m not able to scrapbook much anymore.  With that being said, feel free to ‘unsubscribe’ from our blog if you don’t wish to receive these updates.

Eli continues to blossom…. his vocabulary is ever-growing, he’s gained a few lbs and managed to get his oldest sister to completely cover his eyes during car rides when the sun shines too brightly.  We’re also seeing a stubborn side… throwing items when he’s a little perturbed at our answer and shaking his head no when he doesn’t agree with your choice.   Oh, the joys of an almost 2-year old again!!

Eli continues to eat and sleep like a champ.  Some of his favorites are books, food, trucks, food, animals, food, bath time, food, his sisters and food.  He loves being carried and pampered- who doesn’t?!?!

My lil’ snuggler…

My brother from another mother, Mr Curtis Brown….

The joys, and humiliation, of having two older sisters…

Styling and profiling in the Pooh earmuffs…

Elijah continues to bring such joy to our lives!  If you’re thinking about adopting, do it!  You’ll never look back….