Monthly Archives: June 2012


We were able to travel to Boston to see our awesome friends, the Noahs!  It was SO great to spend time with them;-)  We were also able to get some of our favorites in while we were there:

– a Duck Tour, of course!  These fun boats go on land AND water.  Disco Danny was our guide; he
  was garbed out in full disco attire, including platform shoes with a goldfish inside the clear heel;-)
– a leisurely walk down the Charles
– riding the T (subway)
– hanging out in Cambridge
– lunch at our FAV mexican restaurant, Border Cafe
– running around Harvard’s campus
– a delicious Italian dinner at Figs in the North End
– Boston Commons/the Garden
– the USS Constitution
– lunch in Chinatown at Gourmet Dumplings (super yum!); Eli highly enjoyed himself!
– church with the Noahs at International Family Church… their attenders represent 42 nations; a slice
  of what heaven will look like.  We LOVED it!

On our way home we stopped at Niagara Falls for a couple days.  We wanted to show the kids one of God’s amazing creations!  They’re so majestic;-)  While we were there they were preparing for Nick Wallenda’s walk across the falls so we got to see some of the action for that exciting feat.

The beautiful Noah fam!
The girls driving the boat…
 Eli just wasn’t sure about Disco Danny…

A Duck boat…
Sweet Bubba…

Kohen, Lexie, Zoe, Hannah & Emily sporting their duck lip quackers… Eli’s bummed he didn’t get one;-(  Super fun AND super annoying!
Hannah, Eli, Lexie & Zoe having fun on the steps of Harvard’s library…
We couldn’t resist…
Two peas in a pod!  Nothing better than a sweet friend…

Em feeding the ducks in the Garden at the Commons…

A lil’ history lesson at the USS Constitution…
Two of my babies….

The fam…

While at the Falls we took a ride on the Maid of the Mist and Eli was not really happy about the blue rain gear we all received.  His facial expressions are priceless; he’s similar to me in that I can’t really fake what I’m feeling.  I think he thought we were going to drown… 

Our sweet lil’ ham Peace-ing it out…

Noahs, we look forward to our next time together.  May God bless you as you impact so many out east, although selfishly, I wish He were calling you to impact the midwest, specifically Oakland County;-)  You guys are awesome!!  xoxo…


Sugar joy… or so I thought.  The girls and Eli’s first every poptart delivered by Grandma. The verdict…. thumb’s down, which shocked mom!
Hangin’ with the Partykas at the Lake Orion Basset Hound Waddle at Canterbury Village.  Had to be one of the most fun things we’ve done in a while… if you’ve never attended, make sure to add it to your calendar next May.  You’ll find joy…. and lots of laughter at these adorable dogs!
Joy at the sound of music….  E & E jammin’ together with the harmonicas and finger clappers;-)  
Licking your plate when you don’t think your parents are looking… pure joy!  It was dessert so you gotta give the kid some grace, right?!  
Professor Elijah… lots of joy in wearing Mr. Hughes’ glasses.  Brave man, Mr. Hughes!
Where’d you find your joy today?  
Acts 2:28
You have made known to me the paths of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence.

Big E turned 2!!!…

Elijah turned 2 this past weekend!  He continues to grow both physically and intellectually;-)  His favorites are carbohydrates (he may have gotten this from his mama), anything with a motor, “man time” with daddy, bath time, praying, being crazy with his sisters, pushing around Emily’s doll stroller while carrying one of her purses (we’re working on that one), playing outside… stealing the neighbors Tonka trucks off their deck while he’s playing outside, and his blankie that Gigi made for him.
We were making up for lost time and celebrated Eli turning 2 twice!  Once on Lexie’s birthday, the 19th, since the family was down and then again on his actual day, the 26th.
He spotted the wrapped gifts with his name on them…
He’s SO neat and DOES NOT like his hands to be messy (again, he may have gotten that from me) so we weren’t sure how this was going to go…
A bite for Papa….
A bite for Eli…
A bite for Emmy…
A bite for Eli…

A bite for Lexie…
A bite for Eli….

You get the picture…. well, this is what it looked like at the bitter end…  He was a cake eating machine!  Well done, Elijah!
Making a wish and blowing out his candles…
Stylin’ in the birthday cone…
Happy 2nd sweet boy!  We couldn’t be more thrilled to celebrate this occasion with you… and we look forward to many more years of birthday celebrations with you.  xoxo…