
We ended up in Moab, Utah and it’s AWESOME!  It’s dry, hot and filled with fun things to do outdoors!!  We always stalk out locals when we’re in new places and get their opinions on what to see, where to go, etc.  One woman suggested a local hot spot for swimming… it was a hot day so off we went in search of the Mill Creek springs!  This water flowed down from the mountains so it was a bit chilly but super fun and well worthwhile, Eli even got in!

The lower spring…

The upper spring. While we were there we couldn’t help but notice that many college-aged people were “bathing” there… all modestly, but it led to some great conversations with the girls;-)

The upper spring was a little too treacherous to hike Eli in and out of so he and I cheered Jody and the girls on from the rim…although he wasn’t really happy about being left behind.

The next local recommendation was to take an ATV out to the desert, which sounded like LOADS of fun so off we went….

We let Lexie drive for awhile, which she thought was crazy cool!

Yes, you are seeing correctly… we did strap Eli’s car seat into the ATV. We wanted him to be safe while Jody was reliving his teenage 4-wheeling days!

Some SERIOUS helmet hair!!

Eli even managed to sneak in his afternoon nap!

I love family pics!

Stopped for a lil’ picnic lunch…

Sweet Bubba enjoying a snack on the go!

I just have to mention a very noticeable difference of having a son after two daughters… Elijah LOVES anything with a motor!  It seems to be instinctual- seriously!  You families with boys can probably attest to this too!  It’s awesome! As we pulled into the ATV rental business, Eli was already beyond excited to even be in the vicinity of these machines…. when we hitched up the trailer to tow it out to the trails, he was beside himself… but the big moment came when I was latching his car seat in to the ATV… he was literally standing beside the ATV, squealing like a girl, jumping around and couldn’t control his lil’ body… he was SO excited to get in this thing!  He had the time of  his life!  Love this kid!!

Off to Arches National Park tomorrow…

About Dani

Most importantly, I'm a Jesus follower! I'm married to the love of my life and best friend, Jody, and have the privilege of being called mom by my three fab kiddos...Lexie (otherwise known as Lou Lou Bean) age 17, Emily (otherwise known as Mae-Mae) age 14, and Eli (otherwise known as Bubba) age 10. We're a travel lovin', Jesus believing family of 5;-)

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