
We took a day trip into Arches National Park… it’s a smaller, beautiful park and pretty manageable to do in a day.


We started by hiking into the Double Arch… it’s awesome! It’s been interesting to attend the Ranger programs in each park as they all speak of the parks being created “800 million years ago” and such, and as Believers we obviously believe different so the rangers have gotten some great responses from the girls as they’ve questioned them to get their badges;-)!  They’re just being “the light”!

Doubles Arches


Jody & the kids up in the Double Arches


Arches is known for their massive amounts of red rock formations, rock pinnacles, fins and balanced rocks.

Our favorite Balanced Rock!

Hiking into a canyon

Eli at one of the arches!

The fam under the North Window Arch

LOVE this pic!


Eli on top of a Mesa.

Lexie & Emily earning their Junior Ranger badge at Arches…

Answering questions from the ranger;-)

On to Canyonlands National Park tomorrow…





About Dani

Most importantly, I'm a Jesus follower! I'm married to the love of my life and best friend, Jody, and have the privilege of being called mom by my three fab kiddos...Lexie (otherwise known as Lou Lou Bean) age 17, Emily (otherwise known as Mae-Mae) age 14, and Eli (otherwise known as Bubba) age 10. We're a travel lovin', Jesus believing family of 5;-)

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