
We headed north to Nashville to spend some time with our good friend, Don Mencke.  He recently took a position with LifeWay and is currently house and church hunting so Devon and the kids can join him soon! We took advantage of his knowledge of the city and asked him to play tour guide for the day; he did an outstanding job!  We spent some time at Opryland, downtown, the West End and then the suburbs for some house/church hunting… and a little park time for some high energy kiddos!  No worries, Devon…we picked out a gorgeous home and super hospitable church for you guys;-)!  Don was also our first ever overnight guest in the Tracer Motel.  We even included a free hot breakfast!  No mints on the pillow though;-(

You made the blog, Don!!;-)

We also gorged on some yummy soul food as well as some good ole’ fashioned southern Bar-B-Que!


I also HAD to stop by Dave Ramsey’s offices!  Although it was a Saturday so he wasn’t taping;-(… I was bummed.  All those years of Jody preaching and it only took one Ramsey DVD to hook me on keeping a budget!  Love that guy!;-)

Gazelle intensity!!

Girls loved the Opryland hotel; Eli especially enjoyed watching the fish swim in their ponds!


Here fishy, fishy!

On our way north we hit Mammoth Cave National Park in southern KY- how could we not?!?!  GREAT park, but haven’t they all been!  They have a dozen different cave tours running so we chose a popular one called Mammoth Passage and off we went to the dark underground!  They have the world’s longest explored cave systems… over 390 miles worth!  In his special 2-yr old way, Eli kept repeating “tunnel” going into, walking throughout and exiting the cave.  He’s obsessed with tunnels right now and we could not convince him that this was not a tunnel so at some point we just played by his rules.

Down we trek…

Mama & her muffin!

Can’t believe Jody got a pic down here with all our eyes open! The flash was a killer on the eyes!

Em happy about earning her Junior Ranger badge!

About Dani

Most importantly, I'm a Jesus follower! I'm married to the love of my life and best friend, Jody, and have the privilege of being called mom by my three fab kiddos...Lexie (otherwise known as Lou Lou Bean) age 17, Emily (otherwise known as Mae-Mae) age 14, and Eli (otherwise known as Bubba) age 10. We're a travel lovin', Jesus believing family of 5;-)

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