Monthly Archives: November 2012



What an amazing gift this has turned out to be!  We have such grateful hearts to all of who participated;-)  Elijah and the girls love to lay it out and check out all the different squares.  We also appreciate the 7 women who took tons of their time to create the design and put it together!  All in all, it’s a priceless keepsake for Eli…

"THE" Quilt!

“THE” Quilt!

Yup, cried like a baby when they presented it to me;-)

Yup, cried like a baby when they presented it to me;-)

Eli checking it out with Papa.

Eli checking it out with Papa.

The craft ladies showing me all the loving details they put into it...

The craft ladies showing me all the loving details they put into it…

Mrs. Rush sewed adorable little designs onto the back of each square....each square!!  Which means she did this over a 100 TIMES!!  Such an amazing woman!

Mrs. Rush sewed adorable little designs onto the back of each square….each square!! Which means she did this over a 100 TIMES!! Such an amazing woman!

Several more of the craft ladies....the wonderful team who put this together;-)

Several more of the craft ladies….the wonderful team who put this together;-)

The awesome scrapbook to go with the quilt!

The awesome scrapbook to go with the quilt!

Some pages out of the scrapbook...

Some pages out of the scrapbook…

More beautiful pages!

More beautiful pages!

Just a few more.....

Just a few more…..

More... ok, I'll stop!  They're all so great I want to post them all!!;-)

More… ok, I’ll stop! They’re all so great I want to post them all!!;-)







Elijah’s highly enjoying his 1st fall and Halloween as a Medford!  Of course, Halloween is special to us as it’s Jody’s birthday;-)  Eli was a sock monkey this year… and SUPER cute if I do say so myself!  We’ve also been able to have some leaf fun with the kids!

Swinging in the leaves!

Eli was a maniac in the leaf piles!

He was searching for just the right one…. and found it!

After everyone picked their special pumpkin…

Eli’s 1st pumpkin carving;-)

Emily, Eli, Lexie and a neighbor getting ready to trick-r-treat!