Monthly Archives: December 2012



Today we celebrated Eli joining the family one year ago!  As the saying goes, time sure does fly… It feels as though he’s always been with us and strangers in public that stop us to ask questions probably think we’re nuttier than we really are because sometimes I think we forget he’s adopted and offer them a quizzical look before we realize they’re referring to our son.  Who would’ve ever thought God knitted our son together in his sweet bio mama’s belly to one day become a Medford!  We are so blessed!  I’m regressing….  so we celebrated Gotcha Day with a present and very special card;-)  He’s wearing his present…

Amazing what you can find on the internet...

Amazing what you can find on the internet…

Gigi came down and we went out to eat at a Thai restaurant; we figured it’s Asian so it counts! We enjoyed yummy chocolate cake and reminisced over our China pictures…. never thought it’d be so emotional but we all shed a few tears of joy here and there.  Eli just enjoyed his extra large piece of cake!

Just LOVE these guys!

Just LOVE these guys!

Klever Kreations did a great job on the cake!

Klever Kreations did a great job on the cake!




Couldn't resist a family pic;-)

Couldn’t resist a family pic;-)

Life is good and we are grateful…