Monthly Archives: February 2013



Our last island hop was Maui.  We stayed in Kaanapali on the west side of the island.  Unfortunately we didn’t have the best weather, but can’t really complain, right?!?!  We enjoyed some special family time as well as some great snorkeling and pool time.  We had originally planned to drive the infamous Hana highway as well as check out Honolua but because of the heavy rains we didn’t venture out too much on the island as the roads weren’t that safe; we were told that many along the coast were even washed out!  Made me prefer to stay off them anyway;-) The mountain scenery and the beaches were pretty.


We took the kids whale watching.  It’s whale season December through April so there were A TON of whales!  We used to go whale watching in Boston, but there’s simply no comparison!




Emily finally got her time to swim with sea turtles;-)  She’s was pretty psyched!  She was able to touch it’s shell as it swam around her. She was bouncing around like the Energizer bunny so I wasn’t able to get a pic of her but I did of Lou-Lou before she went in…


Em was enamored with the baby pineapples in the lobby so I got a quick snap of her checkin’ them out;-)


Each day they had the opportunity to feed the coi- ewww!  They sucked their food off the kids’ hands SO LOUDLY!  But the kids LOVED it!


We had an uneventful, extremely full flight into Denver, CO and then a short jaunt into Detroit.  Mahalo and Aloha, HI!