
After a grueling day of a platelet transfusion, double chemo treatments, a flu shot and a spinal tap, Eli was released from the hospital!  Woohoo!  We’re on day 12 of the 28 day Induction Phase, which means they’re checking his spinal fluid again for leukemia cells as well as hitting the cancer hard with chemotherapy.

Snuggle time!

Snuggle time!

He’s had a challenging few days since last Thursday’s chemo… just tired, nauseous and suffering from other side effects.  He hasn’t recovered much going into today’s double chemo sessions.  He’s a pretty serious kid in general, but now he’s understandably somber and quiet.  The rest of us are not very serious or quiet so we’re doing our best to tow the line between trying to make him laugh, or at least smile, and irritating him to death.  It’s a very fine line right now!  A shout out to Mr. Mulcahy and his awesome Kensington Kids Kindergarten class for their very amusing get well video to Eli as that got big smiles from our sweet boy!  Curtis, Rose and Teefy, appreciate the fun videos you’ve been sending Eli… he’s loving your jokes;-)

A heated game of Go Fish!

A heated game of Go Fish!

Got a smile during bath time;-)

Got a little smile during bath time;-)

Eli’s oncologists were preparing us for this crazy voracious eater due to the high doses of steroids he’s currently taking…but Eli’s taking his sweet time gearing up;-)  He’s added to his Papa Joe’s rice diet… now he’s eating Ramen noodles.  He’ll be well prepared for college;-)  And, this is a biggie for those of you that know me well, the last two evenings he’s asked for, and received, a McDonald’s cheeseburger, plain of course.  Eli does not do condiments.  The doctors do not seem remotely concerned about these choices but I’m REALLY hoping to ‘good-food-him-up’ now that we’re home;-) especially since his immune system is so depleted.

THE rice!!

                THE rice!!

Inhaling Ramen noodles after not being able to eat for 6 hours yesterday before his spinal tap!

Inhaling Ramen noodles after not being able to eat for 6 hours yesterday before his spinal tap!

On our way!!!!

            On our way home!!!!

The girls were over the moon to have him home tonight.  Em spent time building trains and legos with him as well as making some fun crafts together.  Lexie busied herself meeting his every whim.  We had some sweet family time…over, yes, another package of Ramen noodles before bed.

I leave you with this verse tonight because our family believes this wholeheartedly… Eli was meant to be a Medford, in our care, during trials and joyful journeys, to glorify Him in all we do…. including traverse through a valley of cancer;-)  Praise Him in ALL things.

First smile we got out of Eli in China, December 2011;-)

First smile we got out of Eli in China, December 2011;-)

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11  Thank you, Amy Carey;-)

And a HUGE thank you to my extended family… the Karczewskis, Kings & Michael and Preston, for taking out our dock and hoists, organizing the shed and garage for the upcoming winter, as well as an awesome meal and time together!  You guys are awesome & we love you!

The fam!

                               The fam!

About Dani

Most importantly, I'm a Jesus follower! I'm married to the love of my life and best friend, Jody, and have the privilege of being called mom by my three fab kiddos...Lexie (otherwise known as Lou Lou Bean) age 17, Emily (otherwise known as Mae-Mae) age 14, and Eli (otherwise known as Bubba) age 10. We're a travel lovin', Jesus believing family of 5;-)

4 responses »

  1. You my friend are such an INSPIRATION to see the light in ALL things – big and small, easy and hard. Just eating this up…”Eli was meant to be a Medford, in our care, during trials and joyful journeys, to glorify Him in all we do…. including traverse through a valley of cancer;-) Praise Him in ALL things.” Amen to that sister! Warrior. Mama. XO

  2. So glad that you are HOME!! I love that sweet photo of you & Eli! Nathan was dying of laughter when I read him the part about it’s a very fine line about trying to tone down your *ahem* “seriousness”.

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