Monthly Archives: October 2015



Thank you for your calls, emails and texts and we’re sorry that we’re not able to respond promptly to everyone.  Our hope was this blog would answer many of your questions and provide a glimpse into Eli’s journey; we hope that’s proving true;-)

Eli’s had a pretty great week overall!  He’s back to walking with all but a little limp.  He’s laughing and giggling and smiling and playing and enjoying all the things he used to and taaallllkkkking a lot, which is exactly what we were praying for so THANK YOU!


Eli’s still attending physical therapy two times per week at this point.  He enjoys some parts (the play therapy) and not so much the other parts (the work).  The steroids have been out of his system for two weeks so his strength has DRASTICALLY improved so thinking we’ll be discharged soon;-)

Fun part...

                  Fun part…

The not so fun part... hence the face;-)

The not so fun part… hence the face;-) 

The pediatric hematology/oncology group hosted a Halloween party for the kids on Sunday evening.  We invited some new friends over for dinner beforehand whose five year old daughter, Peyton, also has ALL.  Eli dressed as a knight and was amazed by the 16 foot candy table!  Jody and I may have struggled with some self-control at this table.


Monday morning Eli began a four week Consolidation Phase.  This is looking like a lighter phase, which we are extremely grateful for since Eli’s last phase was so aggressive.  His little body will get somewhat of a break in the grand scheme of his treatment protocol.  He received his first of three spinal taps yesterday, another flu shot as well as chemo via his port and a new chemo which he takes orally at bedtime for the next 28 days.  I’m asking for HUGE prayers for me in this area as I’m having a very difficult time with all the drugs being poured into Eli and the side effects he suffers from them.  I feel backed into a corner as this is our only option for treating him and it’s just hard and goes against so much of what I believe in.  I was blessed to have a few hours with an amazing woman today who poured into me after losing her fourteen year old daughter to cancer 9 months ago.  She knows what I’m feeling, thinking, experiencing.  She challenged me to keep an eternal perspective in this marathon.  Here I am trying to sprint each day and wondering why I’m struggling to keep up.


The nurses at clinic always try and make it fun for the kids so were holding a coloring contest;-)


He received a Transformer friend at clinic, which kept him company throughout the day.


Clinic days are hard because he knows to expect pain during his time there.


Had to include this one for two reasons: his awesome smile and many people have asked about his mediport. It’s above his heart (under the white gauze), under his skin, and it’s essentially tapped into his central artery. They access it when he needs liquid chemo, blood/platelet transfusions, fluids, etc. When he’s done with treatment, they de-access him (remove the needle).

His mouth sores are all but gone for the moment, his hair is continuing to fall out and is sparse, and he’s having episodes where he shakes, especially his hands.  His oncologists say it’s due to his toxicity levels and will decrease depending on his dosages of certain chemotherapies.  Asking for prayer over this area specifically right now.

Eli asked for a date with me tonight;-)  It was such a sweet request and made me feel like we had some part of our ‘normal’ back.  He had it all planned out… a trip to the train park, a slurpee at 7-11 (he received a coupon for one at the Halloween party Sunday night:-) and a pile of books to be read while snuggling together on the couch.  It was a fantastic way to end the day!


Climbing like a champ!


Thank you, Dwight & Jan, for loving our family so much & so well…  “He gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless.  Even youths will become weak and tired, and young men will fall in exhaustion.  But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength.  They will soar high on wings like eagles.  They will run and not grow weary.  They will walk and not faint.” Isaiah 40: 29-31.



We had the pleasure of meeting with one of Eli’s oncologists this afternoon to receive the results of his bone marrow/spinal tap testing from Monday and we are happy to report that he’s STANDARD RISK!  Which means his body is FREE FROM ALL LEUKEMIA CELLS right now!  The Induction Phase was successful and we believe it’s because so many of you were covering him in serious healing prayer!


“Praise the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits; who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion.” Psalm 103:2-4

Eli will still receive treatment for the next two years and eleven months (sigh) with the goal of keeping his body cancer free.  To be honest, it’s a daunting road full of drugs that I never dreamed would enter our lives, especially one of our children.  But it’s the road we’ve been given and so press on we will.  It’s been AWESOME to have glimpses of Eli again this week.  He’s been strolling around the house fairly well but still needs physical and occupational therapy several times per week.  He’s lost a lot of strength the past month due to the steroid toxicity but his therapists feel confident it’ll all come back soon.


Working hard at some sit ups.


He thought the big red ball was pretty fun!

Monday mornings aren’t one of Eli’s happiest times as he knows we’re headed to clinic, which means pain through finger pokes and the accessing of his port so the nurses do their very best to bring smiles to the kids’ faces before this all takes place.   He was given a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles remote control car that he was quite intrigued with and couldn’t wait to play with!  It has proven to bring lots of joy to him, and Emily, this week… I, on the other hand, have considered the possibility of it ‘losing’ its batteries as it runs over my toes and into the backs of my heels, dents the wood trim and causes general chaos amongst the house.  But, it’s still running as of today.  No promises for tomorrow.

Before the remote control car...

Before the remote control car…


After receiving the car…


Seriously loves this toy!

We’ve also been able to work in several days of school work this week!  I’ve been given some great wisdom by some amazing women who tell me that it’s ok if the school work doesn’t get done for a bit while he’s down and out, but it weighs on me… what if he falls behind?  What if he forgets everything? And then I remember that God’s grace will cover it and I don’t have to stress about it….which I’m really trying to not do.


Academia at its best!

And a pumpkin carving fest took place too!  Eli loves to pick out the pumpkin, come up with the design of the pumpkin, carve the pumpkin, put the candle in the pumpkin and ohh & ahh over his finished project but he will NOT clean out his pumpkin under any circumstances as that would get his hands dirty!  He’s very fortunate to have two lovely big sisters that’ll do his dirty work for him;-)


Eli begins the Consolidation Phase on Monday which lasts four weeks.  He’ll receive chemo and a spinal tap the next three Mondays.  Please pray as the Holy Spirit leads you in regards to Eli;-)  Thank you!

“He gives power to the weak and those who have no might He increases strength.” Is 40:29  Thank you, Mr & Mrs Everson, Lydia, Daniel, Becca and Hannah;-)


  • For some reason my post from last Tuesday evening didn’t go out as a RSS feed so if you need to catch up, feel free to scroll down to the last post.

Thursday night at 10pm we were released!  Woohoo!  The doctors had been waffling all afternoon long due to Eli’s levels not being the greatest so we were pleasantly surprised when the senior resident told us we could go;-)  We couldn’t pack up quick enough!


            Strolling out…

Eli had a difficult week as one of his pancreatic enzymes continued to rise and inside/outside his mouth filled with mouth sores from his chemo.  They decided to restrict his eating/drinking for a little over 24 hours, which was absolute torture to a child on steroids, but it did result in lowering his pancreatic enzyme to a level where we could leave the hospital.  He received a hemoglobin transfusion on Thursday so THANK YOU to all of you who are taking valuable time to do this!  Due to confidentiality we weren’t able to get your name, but we do know it’s someone on his donation account!  We APPRECIATE you!  He had no side effects from this transfusion, unlike last time, so we were grateful!

All he could think and talk about during his food/drink restriction was having a “chicken quesadilla”.  He literally woke many times during the night crying for a quesadilla.  It was heartbreaking!  They appear to be a new craving… gone is the rice and ramen noodles, in enters chicken quesadillas!  So we made sure there was a quesadilla waiting for him after his CAT scan Thursday evening.



Lexie reading to Eli to try and keep his mind off not being able to eat… good sign as he hasn’t been wanting to be read to.

We were fortunate to have some sweet friends come up from Nashville to love on us;-)  We knew Eli was perking up when he asked to go sit with Mrs. Carpenter;-)  We had a fabulous time with Nathan and Amy and were so blessed to have a meal and CUPCAKES with them as well as Amy taking some beautiful photos of our family.  She and Nathan managed to get Eli to smile and GIGGLE!  It was truly music to our ears…


Mr. & Mrs. Carpenter with the kids;-)


Eli even had the privilege of sitting next to Mrs. Carpenter during dinner.

Today has been a difficult day for me as Eli started losing his hair yesterday evening.  I don’t know why this has thrown me for a loop as I truly didn’t think it would.  I thought I was prepared for this… it’s just hair, it’ll grow back, he’s a boy, blah blah blah… But, I am having a hard time and I’ve cried many tears today.  Maybe it makes the cancer seem more real, maybe it’s because he’s on these amazing life saving drugs that I HATE because of what they’re doing to his little body other than killing the cancer, maybe it’s just been an extra long week and I’m tired of feeling strong for my family.  I don’t know but I am looking forward to tomorrow…. taking it one day at a time as the nurses tell us.


My awesome husband trying to keep my tears at bay;-)  We explained his hair loss in terms he would understand. We gave him the option of keeping his faux hawk or shaving his entire head and bless his heart, he chose to shave it.


Had to post this because Eli now, with his head shaved, reminds our family of the sweet Mongolian monks that were intrigued with our family while traveling in China last year.

For Eli, today was a GREAT day!  One of his oncologists stopped his steroids last Monday night because of the severe side effects he’s experiencing.  As awesome as that was to hear, there’s some fear there too because the steroids are what go in and literally blast the leukemia cells and he’s a week early in discontinuing them.  It requires me to trust a little more deeply as I know God loves Eli more than we ever humanly could and has glorious plans for his future.  We were told we’d see a new child by the end of the week and, sure enough, we are!  He strolled around a little bit on his own today, which hasn’t happened in several weeks!  He smiled and laughed and talked and communicated and moved and just showed LIFE and JOY!  Thank you for covering him in prayer!  It was so amazing mutually interacting with him today!


He made me a craft today!

We played Life; he did steal all the money but that's ok;-)

We played Life; he did steal all the money but that’s ok;-)

On Monday morning, Eli will conclude Phase One of Induction, which has been 28 days long.  He will receive chemo, a bone marrow extraction and a spinal tap.  They are looking for leukemia cells hiding in his spinal fluid or bone marrow.  Please pray for his little body as this will be a hard day on him.  Also, please claim his body to be cancer free!

And a short update on Jody and the girls… Jody and Lexie are super sore and bruised but doing great!  Emily’s doing amazing and has just added some color to her pretty lil’ face;-)  She thinks it’s like eye shadow so it’s all good.


My faithful friend, Melissa Sera, always writes out Scripture to me at just the right times.  I read and re-read them today, Melissa, and this one was what I especially needed… thank you and I love you.

“Peace I leave with you; My peace I give you.  I do not give to you as the world gives.  Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” John 14:27



Much has transpired since our last post. I brought Eli down to Beaumont yesterday for his weekly chemo and blood work appointment. Unfortunately some of his levels weren’t great so they admitted him. One of his pancreatic enzymes is rising, which could lead to pancreatitis, so we are currently on a food/drink restriction, which is EXTREMELY difficult due to the steroids😕 His food cravings are SO strong! I’ve never experienced anything like it! He’s been crying off and on all day because he’s hungry…breaking this mama’s heart.    

                   -Feeling miserable-  

             – Sleepy snuggles with Aunt Andrea-

           -Waiting for lunch-

The peds floor was full yesterday so it took awhile to get into his room. Once there, I received a phone call from Jody’s phone but when I answered it was a stranger informing me Jody and the girls had been in a car accident and that I needed to get down to the ER right away as Emily’s ambulance should be arriving any minute. Overwhelmed doesn’t even come close to describing my emotional state in that moment. Thank God my amazing sister was here! She handled everything, including me, with grace and ease. We were able to meet both ambulances in the ER; one of the scariest moments of my life as I didn’t know the state of Jody or the girls. Long story short, Jody was released late last night and is extremely sore. Lexie and Emily were both admitted to, thankfully!, a room two doors down from Eli’s. Both were released this afternoon with amazingly minor issues! So thankful for their safety, protection and very lives!   

 The Traverse was totaled, an iPod was cracked, favorite clothing was cut off but it’s been awesome to walk the girls through what an eternal perspective looks like versus mourning earthly possessions! Everything can be replaced except each other❤️

A HUGE thank you to Dwight & Jan Coe, Sara Partyka, Julie Keating, Robin, Ashton & Macy King, Tim Hughes, my parents & Jody’s parents. Without all of you it would’ve been impossible for me to attend to all my family members last night! In the midst of the complete chaos, you were each able to bring us peace, prayer, food, laughter, love and loads of perspective.

I’m purposely ending with some moments of joy over the past week because that’s what I previously asked for prayer on & He graciously answered…thank you, friends!    

Thank you, Jeff, Marla, Madeline & Logan! He literally laughs out loud at this book😂

       He asked to go pick out a pumpkin🎃

                  Enjoying cider & donuts!

                               Love them😍  

   Thank you, Mr & Mrs Lewis! “Oorah!!”

 Even though he’s not looking very happy, getting to spend time with one of his favs was a highlight on Saturday! Love you, Shawnee!

“When hard pressed, I cried to the Lord; he brought me into a spacious place. The Lord is with me; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me? The Lord is with me; he is my helper. I look in triumph on my enemies.” Psalm 118:5-7. Thank you, Jodie Wilson😘 




Well, Eli is singlehandedly driving up the earnings per share this quarter for McDonalds, to satisfy his plain cheeseburger cravings, and Costco, for his cheese pizza habit.  He asks for these items just about every hour!  We’ve sucumbed to bribing him as well… “when you drink all of your water, I will go get you ____________”… whatever his craving is at that particular moment.  He’s still really struggling to get liquids down, which is causing him to have to receive fluids at the Hemonc clinic each week. He’s highly irritable, which as many of you know, is not characteristic of Eli AT ALL!  His cheeks and belly are very round… similar to when we brought him home at 19 months;-)  The steroids are in full swing; we’re very much looking forward to their end on 10/18!



Highly enjoying his ginormous pizza slice!


At the Hemonc clinic receiving our weekly dose of fluids to stay hydrated!

Check out the cheeks;-)

             Check out the cheeks from 2011 😉

Eli also received another dose of chemo yesterday.  He’s been having a difficult time walking lately so the doctors took him off one of his medications that has a rare tendency to cause joint pain.  If this doesn’t work, he’ll need weekly physical therapy until they see improvement in his current shuffling.  Prayers in this area would be appreciated;-)

He tends to sleep a lot the day of and the day after chemo treatments.

He tends to sleep a lot the day of and the day after chemo treatments.

Ms. Lisa & Ms. Jennifer surprised us with some DQ treats;-)

Ms. Lisa & Ms. Jennifer surprised us with some DQ treats;-)

Please pray for JOY over Eli as well.  He spends his days on our laps or on the couch.  He has NO desire to do anything that used to bring him immense joy…like Legos, playing with his sisters, building things, school work, having books read to him or watching videos.  He’s not himself at all; it’s just difficult to see.

Sweet, encouraging words of wisdom from the Helsee family…”Don’t waste the cancer; use it to give Me glory.  Don’t let it steal your JOY.  It does not define who you are.  You are my child, created in My image!”



A short and sweet post tonight…  As awesome as it’s been to be home, it’s been a hard week for Eli.  He’s struggling with treatment side effects so prayers for his lethargy, fatigue, bone pain and dehydration would be much appreciated.  On Thursday morning we had to head back down to Beaumont’s hemonc (hematology-oncology) pediatric clinic for the day because Eli wasn’t doing well.  Fortunately he was only dehydrated so they were able to pump him full of fluids, monitor him and send us back home;-)  His white blood cells and neutrophils (think good Pac Mans in our blood!) are essentially nil so he’s very susceptible to illness right now, which can cause some germaphobic tendencies currently!


     Not feeling great;(


      Movies and fluids…


Lots of laying low and snuggling this week.

Newest steroid induced craving... Pizza!!

A rare smile this week!!!!  Newest steroid induced craving…pizza!!

Thank you, Mr. & Mrs, Young, Ellen, Caleb, Logan, Rebekah, Anna & Micah for the awesome cards and powerful Scripture!

“Nevertheless, I will bring health and healing to (Eli); I will heal my people and will let them enjoy abundant peace and security.” Jeremiah 33:6

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9