Monthly Archives: February 2016



Wanted to send out a short update on Eli…. his blood counts didn’t make it to receive chemo on Monday, which shocked us because he’s seemed so well the last week.  He’s not even complained much about his stomach bothering him, which is a constant issue for him.  So, we’re in a holding pattern until next Monday when they’ll check his levels again.      It’s bittersweet as it’s GREAT to have another week off but we know treatment will continue as prescribed as soon as his body is strong enough to take it.

Below are a couple pics from the clinic on Monday… he busied himself with an awesome Minion sticker sheet from Mr & Mrs Carpenter and then we raced cars until the final blood results arrived and we were told to head back home!  Woohoo!


The past two week have been full of fun stuff since Eli’s endurance’s been so strong, although we have shied away from more public/group events (Awanas, small group at church, etc) since there seems to be LOTS of strong, yucky germs going around out there;-(  He continues to do well with his school work and highly enjoys creating anything and everything with tape (see pic below with cars/planes all taped together!)  I’m now purchasing our tape at Costco in the family hippo size 😉

We’ve been to see Mrs. Lafferty and Ella continues to seek out and love on Eli the entire time we’re there.  It’s sweet!  And we’ve been to see Dr. Bowler, a cranial sacral chiropractor; she’s a huge blessing to our family as well!



We had the opportunity to make Easter baskets with Mrs. Naseef at Provide, Inc for 70×7 Ministries in Detroit.  We took some friends and had a fab time together!  Eli made about 10 baskets himself;-)  The kids have already asked to go back so we’ll be looking for another serving project soon.

We were able to sneak away to the Keys for a few days this week after we received the news of having another week off… the warmth and sun have been AWESOME, especially for Eli!  He’s been clowning around, running, dancing, swimming and playing!  We’re thankful for this time to have some quality family time… and to all be TOGETHER!

We also toured a sea turtle hospital, which was very fun!  We got to visit their “patients” as well as feed them a little turtle chow;-)

Overall, life is good!  Four weeks to go with his final aggressive treatment and it’s been pretty darn awesome for being so aggressive!  We know it’s due to everyone lifting him in prayer- THANK YOU;-)  Please continue to pray for Eli’s body to strengthen and to handle  his treatment with unexplainably miraculous ease!

“You can make many plans, but the Lord’s purpose will prevail.” Pros 19:21


Well, it’s been a couple of weeks since my last blog and life is plugging along;-)  Eli continues his aggressive phase on Mondays, which is taking a toll on his system.  Particularly his stomach as the chemos he’s receiving this round are known for stomach irritation and nausea;/

Last Monday Jody had the privilege of taking Eli to clinic.  They participated in a coloring contest and enjoyed some snacks and games .  They also enjoyed some ‘Man Time’ at the Monster Truck show at Ford Field.  Eli LOVES trucks and although he wasn’t feeling his best and their date had to be cut a little short, he still enjoyed his time with dad.  This phase has definitely taken its toll on Eli more quickly than we anticipated.



A Kids Kicking Cancer donor generously shared their suite at the Fox Theatre with some children going through treatment, and their friends, on Friday.  So Eli was able to enjoy some time with his friend, Curits, and Sesame Street Live!  They gobbled down brunch, ogled over the huge bowl of marshmallows intended for the hot chocolate, felt the vibes of Elmo & friends and were spoiled by Mrs. Brown with a light-up, spinning toy.  For two five-year olds, it doesn’t get much better than that;-)

Eli was also able to get in some ice time now that our temps have finally reached freezing;-)  He was towed around on a sled, played a little hockey with Henry, Emmy and daddy, rode around with Mr. Hughes in his ATV and made snow angels on the ice.  Overall, a pretty great day for getting some fresh air!

Then yesterday arrived… and Eli just wasn’t feeling his best.  He’d had 14 consecutive days of steroids, which REALLY take a toll on his body.  He’s had crazy cravings again but he’s also been extremely nauseous so he basically grazes ALL DAY because his tummy can’t handle eating too much at once.  He’s craving CARBS, CARBS, and more CARBS!!  His weight’s up a little so all’s good;-) His blood levels were pretty darn good at clinic but a low grade fever was hovering.  Due to his central line, they require him to be admitted to the hospital if his temp reaches 100.5.  They just can’t risk his port getting infected, which is understandable.  So he received his chemos at clinic and then they advised us to go get lunch, maybe run an errand or two and come back to check his temp again.  They just didn’t want to de-access his port if he was going to be admitted… so my little munchkin requested honey chicken, with rice, of course, from Pei Wei for lunch. We enjoyed our time together, went back to clinic and they made the decision to de-access and send us home.  Well, his temp continued to rise so we had to head back to the hospital. It’s Tuesday evening and we’re still here.  He’s back down to a low-grade fever and we’re waiting on his swab culture to come back so they can determine if he can be released.  We’re still hopeful for a late night release;-)

Getting a little schoolwork done while we hang out;-)  Thanks, Mr Blake Elle, for the cool camo pjs!!


And last, but certainly not least, Happy Chinese New Year to everyone with a throwback pic of our sweet peas;-)


We’d LOVE, LOVE, LOVE prayers covering Eli’s health right now;-)  Also, that his treatments affect only what needs to be killed and nothing else; for protection over his brain, organs and tissues!  And faith and peace for Jody and I as this phase is taking it’s toll on mom & dad right now too;/   Thanks so much!  We APPRECIATE you!

“Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” Hebrews 11:1  Love you, Melissa!  Thanks for the encouragement;-)