Monthly Archives: May 2016



Well, it’s official… Eli’s made it to the Maintenance Phase of protocol, which entails once per month chemo through his port and one spinal tap, five days per month of an oral steroid and daily oral chemo for the remaining two and half years (boo hiss!).  He was supposed to begin May 23rd but we asked for an extension and were blessed with it so he now has a FULL MONTH off!  Praise God with all that I am!!  So, he doesn’t have to return until June 6th- seriously!  I’m giddy as I type;-)  So now we’re snatching the fam and heading outta Dodge for a bit.  Heading West to enjoy some of God’s creation and warmth… for the love of Pete, it’s been snowing/hailing here today!  Yes, May 15th and it’s S.N.O.W.I.N.G.  I may just pack us all up and not return… haven’t totally decided yet.

Mr & Mrs Carpenter sent another package of chemo gifts for Eli;-)  Thanks Amy & Nathan! It’s perfect because they typically send some sort of craft and it keeps him occupied while he’s getting treatment… this time he built and painted a car!  He was pretty psyched!

He continues to struggle with the smell of the alcohol but didn’t vomit this time so appreciate all of you who prayed against this on his behalf- THANK YOU!!  Jody was able to get some sweet pics of him as we don’t a) want to be taking pics while he’s totally down and out and b) posting pics of him totally down and out.  Emily made some split pea soup and he LOVED it so we packed him a little thermos full for after his spinal tap; he has to fast on those days until after the procedure so he’s usually pretty hungry.

Ms. Kayla and Ms. Anne pictured below with Eli;-)


Another day of support for our goalie, Em!  Woohoo!  This was last week… My hands were so frozen from sitting in the snow today that I couldn’t even take pics;-(  Plus Eli was so bundled you wouldn’t have recognized him!  Ms. Lisa brought him a crazy blue push up sucker that may have been confiscated later in the day.

Yes, ma’am… Mr. Eli needed a HAIRCUT!  Ms. Shelly was super excited to have him back in her chair;-)  He’s wanting to rock a mohawk for Aunt Andrea’s June 4th wedding…we’ll see how much hair we can grow between now and then!


Had to post this pic because it makes me laugh;)!!  Ms. Lisa got Eli this little back scratcher and advised him that he may be able to make a lil’ extra cash from it…so, our lil’ entrepreneur has been doing just that!  Jody pays him $1 to scratch his back for a few minutes every now and then!!  It’s a win-win!


Aunt Andrea came down for an evening so Eli was able to get some snuggling in;-)  They were deep in conversation at this point….


Thank you, Pagel family for the fun Penguin book!  This is a great series that Eli’s into right now;-)  And on the rare days it’s warm enough to get outside, we take advantage!  Em and Eli took a break from some lake adventures for a quick lunch on the deck.

Eli and Emmy finished Awanas this past week and despite having to miss often Eli was committed to finishing his book and his review verses, sometimes via FaceTime (thank you technology!).  He planted 39 verses in his heart this year and also earned the ‘Perseverance Award’.  Super proud of them both!!


My mom helped Eli make, and surprise me with, this adorable candy flower arrangement for Mother’s Day!  He was SO EXCITED to present this to me;-)  It was awesome and I felt very loved;-)  He’s a crazy crafter, people!!


Eli turns six on May 26th so we did some early celebrating with the grandparents this weekend since we’ll be gone on his special day.  He received some super fun and thoughtful gifts!

We were able to get a little date in at Starbucks; he was chillin’ with his frap;-)


We’re asking for continued prayer over Eli’s body.  Although we’ve hit a major milestone in his protocol, he’s still far from done.  Please pray for him as the Holy Spirit leads you.  Thank you as you’re all precious and dear to us and please know your prayers sustain us!

“Even to your old age and gray hairs I am He, I am He who will sustain you.  I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you.” ~ Isaiah 46:4.  Eaton, you carry me when I need it most.  Much love…xo