Monthly Archives: July 2016



It’s been waaayyyy too long since I’ve posted but in all honesty, there’s not been much going on from a medical standpoint…. which is a huge blessing in and of itself;-)  I do need to correct my date error from my last post; I stated Eli would be undergoing treatment until November of 2019 but it will only be until November of 2018!!  BIG difference;-)

All in all, Eli continues to plod along… although he’s only having to visit clinic for chemo once per month, we are having to go and get blood count checks every two weeks as his counts, specifically neutrophils and white blood cells, have been on the lower end.  Not low enough to suspend or lower his chemo but enough that they’d just like to keep their eye on him.  Fine by us;-)

His energy level and spirits are good; he typically only struggles with stomach issues all day on Tuesdays and Wednesday mornings due to a higher dose of a specific oral chemo on Monday nights.  Otherwise, one would never know his story.  His hair’s come back baby fine.  The girls enjoy running their hands through it, which he never objects to;-)

Just a brief highlight reel of Eli’s shenanigans over the last few weeks with the biggest and most celebrated being my sister’s and Paul’s wedding where he had the honored position of ring bearer wearing his appropriately chosen Superman socks complete with red capes;-)!!!  Now the kids have an Uncle Paul- yay!

We’ve been able to enjoy time with special friends and frog catching,

hosting British soccer coaches and snuggle time with cousins,

picking up our newest addition, future Leader Dog, Baylor,

strawberry picking with Papa and tubing with Jake, Tom and Emily,

4th of July with family and firetrucks, paddle board lounging with Hannah,

building complicated Hot Wheel loop tracks with Keaton and playing cards with Coach Craig,

cheesy smiles at clinic and loving the fact that ‘Henry’, the sweet lil Golden Retriever that our friends Ms. Rebecca & Miss Jessie allowed Eli to name back in January, is being showcased on the new Leader Dog vehicles (far right),

piggyback rides with Coach Tom and late evening boat rides with Mrs. Keating,

slip-n-slides at church BBQs and majestic sandcastles with moats… and dinosaurs!,

and this handsome lil guy that’s fighting an epic battle with such a sense of strength and confidence.  Please continue to pray for him; we GREATLY appreciate you and your interceding!  Thank you;-)

“Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed.  The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results.”  James 5:16

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