Monthly Archives: August 2017



It’s been FIVE months since I’ve blogged- yikes!  Time flys!  During this time Eli’s been on and off his chemotherapy protocol as his liver has become very inflamed and toxic after 23 months of treatment;(… which is why we’re asking for prayers.  He’s currently off chemo until 8/21 to give his liver some time to recover.  In the last week his immunocompromised body has managed to pick up the beginning stages of pneumonia as well as croup!  So needless to say he’s not been feeling his best.  Prayers for his overall health would be GREATLY appreciated;)


Eli also celebrated his 7th birthday at the end of May!  We couldn’t have been more thankful to spend the day honoring him;)  It was awesome getting some genuine smiles!

He finished his Awana’s year with honors and a speaking part!  He seems to have a gift for memorizing Scripture;)  Woohoo Eli!


A HUGE highlight for our family this summer was spending several days with some amazing friends, the LaCroixs, in their home state of CA!  We adopted Jack & Eli together five and half years ago;)  Many of you know how reserved and quiet Eli can be but within minutes he and Jack were inseparable; soul brothers.  It was interesting to watch.  It was such sweet times with sweet people.  I so wish we lived closer.  We’ve been home for several weeks and Eli continues to ask when we’ll get to see Jack again.  Not soon enough….

Our fams together at a fruit tasting and tour.  It was AWESOME!  Thanks, Doug;)


We’ve also been able to get some hiking in which is so good for his body!  It strengthens him physically and mentally.  It’s been inspiring to see him accomplish some physical treks that he didn’t think he could do but his BOLDNESS pulled him through… as well as some gummy bears;)

We’re just at a time again when we’re feeling weary and so very done with cancer and all that comes with it.  We’re dreaming of days when Eli feels good every single day he wakes up, with no more hospital appointments, ER visits, needles, spinal taps, blood draws, vomiting, nausea, steroids, chemo.  We really despise cancer and the toll it takes on the people you love the most, and the strangers your heart breaks for.

“But Jesus looked at them and said, With men it is impossible, but not with God; for with God all things are possible.” Mark 10:27

You have been assigned this mountain to show others it can be moved.  -Anonymous

Thank you for pressing in with us~ Team Medford